
That’s right. Don’t trust ’em. Be your own editor. Evaluate information from as many sources as possible and decide if you’re getting both sides, the whole story, etc. Chances are, you’re not getting an accurate picture.

I’m particularly critical of the mainstream [“legacy”] media. Know that the MSM was my livelihood for nearly four decades. I won two national awards for investigative journalism, enjoyed my work and was proud of the stories our newsrooms did. The MSM has never been perfect, but there was a time when bias was frowned upon — by all outlets. That’s not the case today.

It was glaringly obvious when the Hunter Biden laptop story broke [in the New York Post]. Most MSM outlets ignored it because they knew it would hurt his father’s bid for the US Presidency. One media outlet uncovered vital information which went against the grain of the popular ‘narrative’, but most did the opposite — they covered it up. That’s called censorship.

Fact-checkers with a once-respected news agency, Reuters, debunked stories questioning the safety of the experimental COVID vaccines. It didn’t seem to matter to staff at Reuters that their CEO was also on the Board of Directors of Pfizer. That’s not only a conflict of interest; it’s a huge, embarrassing one.

Remember the “Russian collusion” story of how the Russians helped President Donald Trump get elected? It was a scam funded by his political opponent, Hillary Clinton. When the truth finally came out, the MSM media ignored that important story because it didn’t fit their agenda. Nothing happened to Hillary, and they ignored that too. That’s journalistic malpractice.

News organizations should never take sides, nor should they have an agenda. They should be neutral; otherwise, their credibility is gone. Duh.

Western media outlets covering the war in Ukraine should not be advising Ukrainian soldiers to hide their swastikas because it’s bad public relations. Of course, it is. News companies aren’t PR outfits, nor should they be. Although let’s face it, many former reporters are now PR flacks for corporations and the government. They’ve gone from re-writing news releases to writing them.

I could go on about MSM missteps, and I think I will … how can we forget the CIA caper of how COVID-19 started in a wet market in Wuhan, China … and how the experimental COVID “vaccine” was safe and effective? Again, the MSM didn’t do its job — not even close. So many reporters parroted the official government line. So much for having a code of ethics.

The flip side to that important story is that there’s evidence the COVID vaccines could be “slow-kill bioweapons,” threatening to wipe out BILLIONS of human beings. Will that happen? Who knows? Time will tell, as it always does. In a few years, we should know the hard truth when more stats on all-cause mortality are released. The numbers are already rolling in, and they don’t look good. That’s another HUGE story that’s being ignored by the legacy media.

That’s the downside of taking sides as opposed to reporting. There are consequences, and one is a loss of respect.

To sum up, the role of the media is to INFORM readers, viewers and listers — WITHOUT BIAS — so that people can make informed choices. That’s called … ahem … doing your job.

In Canada, most MSM organizations are now propped up by the Federal Government to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars. Read that again. Never mind reporters who quietly accepted junkets and failed to report they were on the take; the entire legacy news business is corrupt. It’s tough to call anyone a journalist [left, right or centre] if they’re on the take.

Here’s a collection of thought-provoking memes that shine a light on just how far media credibility has fallen. Enjoy!










4 thoughts on “Do Not Trust the ‘Legacy’ Media. Trust Your Gut.

  1. Great email and commentary on your part Byron!!! Sending it on for sure and hope to upset some liberals along the way. Your comments may get a hit or two.

    Thanks for this excellent item!


  2. Thank you for having the courage to ‘tell it like it is.’ the media giants have an obligation to give unbiased information, but that has been lost for some time. It’s the same here in Australia.
    As always, well-written and to the point.


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